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Social Geek Radio: Technology Connecting and Creating Communities

Ludwina Dautovic, The Room XChange CEO, joins Social Geek Radio for its 300th episode.

This week’s installment of Social Geek Radio has hosts Deb Evans and Jack Monson talking with Ludwina Dautovic, CEO of The Room XChange, a revolutionary way for people to live together. The most recent podcast also represents the 300th episode, a huge landmark for Social Geek Radio.

To kick off the conversation, Dautovic touched on the many ways technology is changing society and how we conduct business, as well as the overlap of those who have only dealt with advanced technology in their adult lives versus a younger generation that doesn’t know of life without it.

“They’re in a prime opportunity where if they taught themselves some skills, they could likely create a business for themselves with the technology that’s available,” said Dautovic of individuals who are at the age where they’re looking at retiring. “Technology affords us the privilege, opportunity and resources to create something out of nothing.”

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