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Paris Baguette Targets the Greater Toronto Area for Further Franchise Expansion

After creating a strong foothold in Canada in 2023, the brand is targeting additional expansion in the GTA next year.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 5:17PM 12/15/23

After opening their first bakery café in Canada earlier this year, Paris Baguette, the global bakery café franchise with over 4,000 units, saw a great response from Canadian guests and franchisees. Leveraging a growth strategy similar to the one that helped them explode in the U.S., Paris Baguette will establish four Canadian locations this year, and they have another 18 in some stage of development. With this foundation in mind, the brand is targeting the Greater Toronto Area for further growth.

“Paris Baguette took advantage of our great food quality and guest experience to explode in the U.S., developing flagship locations in key markets, growing buzz and expanding from there,” explained Eric Lavinder, chief development officer. “A similar approach is being taken in Canada. We’ve already seen great excitement for the brand, and with two cafés already open, brand awareness is growing, and we see a prime opportunity to continue expanding in the area.”

The franchise aims to open 100 cafés across Canada by 2030 with a goal of 15 to 20 new openings in 2024, and the GTA offers prime geography and demographics to build a strong baseline for the brand.

“In the U.S., we started in major U.S. cities like Los Angeles and New York,” added Lavinder. “The GTA is so diverse and serves as a major hub for traffic, so we feel that it is a great place for us to get solidified, just as we did with LA and New York. Many of the things that ring true in the U.S. can be cross-applied to Canada.”

The GTA is home to many lifestyle centers and a diverse population base that has a culture of embracing food. While Paris Baguette offers something that is recognizable to nearly everyone (breads, cakes and pastries), they do so in a unique way, bringing a quality and flavor that is difficult to find elsewhere. Because Paris Baguette bakes their goods fresh each day and incorporates inspiration from many global cultures, they have a wide appeal, perfect for the varied and growing GTA.

Better yet, people already know and love the brand in the GTA thanks to two Toronto locations and a strong concentration of cafés across the Northeast U.S., so as the brand grows, they will simply become more accessible to guests without first having to work to establish a name for themselves.

“The GTA is sprawling, has a great love of food and is a bustling hot spot for Canadians,” said Lavinder. “Most Canadians live less than 100 miles from the GTA, and it’s a great hub for guests to take their passions and ideas from Paris Baguette to other areas of the world.”

As the brand looks to grow their presence in the GTA and beyond, they also have their eyes on Quebec for 2024. As a French-inspired bakery café entering a French-speaking province, this growth represents a major milestone for the brand in Canada.

“We have such a diverse offering that it’s really appealing to everyone,” said Lavinder. “That’s proven best by what you see in the cafés, and this fact is a major driver that has allowed Paris Baguette to transpire into what we have. As we take on this next phase of growth in Canada, we’re excited to work with entrepreneurs who will embrace this vision and continue to drive the brand forward.”

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